Staying Healthy With Garlic 1

By: Charles Shomo

Garlic, Herbs, Cancer Prevention

Garlic is a herb used to cure and prevent many diseases.

For centuries Garlic has been know for being nature’s wonder drug. Not only does garlic repel vampires it has a list of health benefits:

1) Colds and Flus can be prevented using garlic.
2) Repairing existing damage to the body’s cells by acting as an antioxidant.
3) Garlic prevents blood pressure from rising and blood clots from forming by thinning the blood.
4) Garlic contains antibiotic properties that can prevent infections.
5) Cholesterol levels can be lowered.
6) The aorta’s aging process slows down.
7) Diseases such as cancer can be cured with the supporting properties of Garlic.
8) Acne can disappear.
9) Having impotence problems? Garlic can help with the blood flow.
10) Allergies could disappear with adding garlic.
11) Blood sup gar levels can be regulated and garlic increases the release of insulin in diabetics.
12) Blood sucking mosquitos, like vampires, are repelled by garlic.

Taking garlic supplements can be an alternative for those who don’t like the taste of garlic and the smell of garlic breath.Having the supplements provides the benefits without any of drawbacks. According to Medical News Today Garlic is used by some people for prevention of prostate cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer and colon cancer. There is a 44% lower risk of developing lung cancer for those people who ate raw garlic at least twice a week. A compound of garlic called Diallyl sulfide was 100 times more effective in fighting Campylobacter bacterium. There was also a study conducted with the findings that garlic extract supplements reduced high cholesterol levels.

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